My Weight Loss Journey!

My Weight Loss Journey! Started 7/29/2011

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

WOW! I'm Finally Back!

It's been so long since I updated on here. I have good news and bad. I guess I will go with the bad news first. I gained almost everything that I lost back again. Good news is I am back on track to losing it all again and this time getting past that darn point in the low 230's that I always seem to get stuck at. I have once again joined a Facebook challenge with Angel (The lady who I did the other one with) and about 17 other women.  We all put $10 in so I believe the winners pot is at $180. That would be so awesome to win but even better would be to lose all this darn weight I have been wanting to. The first week I lost 4 pounds.

A lot has happened in the past year or so. Jacob is now 5 and Kyle is already 10! Man how they grow. Ken and I decided to grow our family but it wasn't what the big guy up in the sky had in mind for us at that moment. We will try again in a few months. I want to lose as much weight as possible before we start trying again. Maybe this time things will work out better than last and the news from the doctor will be that we have a healthy baby growing instead of expect to have a miscarriage any day now. I had a weird feeling about things so told Ken we shouldn't tell anyone until after I go to the doctors and such. It was a good thing. Jacob really wants a baby sister. I think he would have been heart broken if we had told him he was getting a baby sibling and then had to tell him no, he wasn't after all. We are thinking of starting to try again in about June or so. That is when our little one would have been born. So, instead of bringing home a baby, hopefully we will be making one.

I am currently a nanny for 2 kids, Jada and Parker. There parents are super nice. I am glad I started working for them. Tami and Kelvin are both teachers. Tami is just doing sub work right now so work is just part time. It helps us out a lot though. They even gave me $50 for Christmas. :) I am thinking of taking my kids and theirs to Chuck E Cheese maybe this Friday. Tami said they would pay half and I could pay half. I think the kids will have a blast. I of course will have the salad bar since I am on my diet. That is usually all I get there anyhow.

Jacob started kindergarten this year. He likes it too. Kyle is now in 4th grade and he is actually liking it this year as well. He has a male teacher for the first time. His name is Mr. Colemen. Kyle is doing really good with his reading this year and right on track with no reading lab! Still of course giving me trouble with his reading at home though.

For Christmas, Ken got me a gun and a holster for my birthday. :) I am waiting on my CPL to carry it but it's taking forever for them to get it to me. They said 30 days but it was over on the 20th and today is the 28th. Ken's birthday is tomorrow! He of course is being a dork and not telling me up front what he wants for his birthday. I guess I will have to just go get him something. Speak of the devil, He just got home from work. Guess I'll go talk to him :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Well, I haven't been blogging in a while. Have actually been writing down stuff with a pen and paper...What are those you ask?! LOL The things we used to use in school...for most of us grade school. I know so long ago it's hard to remember! So, here is an update to my life.

First, my weight loss journey has been stalled for a long time. I am at 45 pounds lost. I have been gaining and losing the same few pounds for the past few months. I admit, I haven't been exercising like I should be and eating more junk food than I should as well... :( It seems like this is the weight I keep getting stuck at. When I lost weight before having Jacob, I got down to 235. Right now, I am between 228-233. I can't seem to get below 228. I thought last week would be better because it was so nice and I was outside doing so much in the yard and playing with the boys and even had less junk food...but nope. Well, enough about the downer subject.

On to brighter topics! Mom was here for the past 6 days. :o) The boys and I were going to go visit her in Yakima but we could only be there for 2 days because Ken worked. Driving there and back would cost close to $80 in gas for only a 2 day visit so I decided to pay for moms bus ticket here so we could visit more. It cost less because she got to ride home with my grandparents who had flown out of SeaTac and was coming back the day she needed to get home. We got to do a lot of fun things. The weather was pretty nice most of the time so we went to the parks a few times, some stores, ate out, half price bookstore, a baby shower, and the movies (Saw Battleship. It was good) We always enjoy spending time with my mom. :o)

The boys are both doing fine. Both their bratty selves. I started a new thing with them where they have to earn tickets to be able to play games. Jacob especially was wanting on the computer WAY too much. His lil eyes would pop open in the morning and he would want on. Now, he asks what he can do to earn a ticket :o) He knows he can't get on without a ticket. Their tickets have their name and picture on them so they can't take each others to use them. Ken is also doing fine. He got a book that he needs to read to take a special test so he can get certified in some thing or another. It's a HUGE book so it might take him a while to finish it.

Kyle had his pinewood derby a few weeks ago. He won 1st place in our Pack! He was super excited. That made him able to go to the districts for all the surrounding packs. There were over 60 kids there racing. Kyle got 3rd place out of the Wolves and 6th place out of everyone! He didn't get an award from there but that's pretty good for his first time going!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 13! 10-30-11

I forgot to post last week! Oh well, here is this weeks.

Yesterday was Kyles birthday party. We had a Halloween party for him. It turned out really good. I rented a room in the convention center through the fire department and it was a great place to have a party. We had some yummy foods too. I made meatball sliders, chicken nuggets, tater tots, mummy dogs, veggie platter, and chips. For the cake, I got a small round cake that had a monster face on it. I also made "critters" They were chocolate cake thingies that I added m&m's, candy corns, mike and ikes and reeces pieces to make them critters. They were a hit! :o) I am glad everyone had fun. After the party, my sister Carol asked us to watch her triplets so she could go to an adult Halloween party so they stayed the night with us and she picked them up this afternoon. The boys like getting to play with them like that.

Now, for weight loss! Last week I was down to 241.0 and this week, I am down to 239.6! That is a total of 34.8 pounds in 13 weeks! I am getting close to the 100 day mark. :o) I am thinking I will be down more than 35 pounds by November 6th which my original goal was 30 pounds. Since I passed 30 pounds 2 weeks early, I had thought 35 instead but it looks like it could more than the 35 by then! I am so darn excited. My next mini goal is 50 pounds by mid January.  I know I can do it! I am already almost half way to my overall goal.

My mom was finally able to come visit us! She got here Tuesday night and gets to stay a little over a week. I love having her here. We all miss her a lot when she has to go home. I am just glad she gets to stay for so long this time around.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

11 weeks and full October 16th!

Today is a full day for celebrations! It is Kyle's 8th birthday, mine and Ken's 11 year anniversary, and Keng's birthday! We aren't having Kyles birthday until October 29th though so he could have a Halloween party :o) I don't know when Ken and I will celebrate our anniversary.

Today was also my 11th week weigh in! I think I had mentioned before that my 30 pound goal was officially set for Nov. 6th but I wanted to get there by Halloween so a week early. Today I weighed in and was down 30.4 pounds! I made it to my goal 2 weeks early! That means I have a whole two weeks more to lose weight and make my loss even more by Nov. 6th! It would be awesome to get to 35 by then! I'm starting a new program 10 pound slim down. It has yoga days which I have found that I really like yoga so I am super excited about it. I can't believe I have lost as much in 11 weeks when last time it took me like 6 months to lose this much! It motivates me so much more and makes me feel so much better about myself. We went to the Scout Stampede yesterday and there was tons of walking around, up hill, down hill, all over the place for a couple hours and I wasn't out of breath at all! I am so happy and I can't wait to lose more!

Halloween is just a couple weeks away. I had planned on wearing my cop costume with Jacob as my prisoner. I couldn't find one his size though :( So, he decided on Thomas the train as his costume. So, for my cop outfit, We found a prisoner costume for Ken! LOL We are all going to be dressed up this year. Kyle decided on a ninja. He got his swords to go with it and everything. They strap on his back. Mom is going to be here for Halloween this year so it makes it that much better!

It has been a long time since I have been so excited about things and looking forward to things...and just LIFE in general! It seems like I started this life changing journey, my whole life in every aspect has gotten better. Who knew my life would be so much better? I LOVE MY LIFE!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Big Week 10!

This past week was one of the best! First, Ken ordered me a heart rate monitor that I have been debating on buying or not and decided I wanted. Then, I got great news from someone that I had been talking to about a job...I GOT IT! WooHoo! It is at an in-home daycare and I get to take Jacob with me and Kyle on his no school days. I started last Wednesday and I must admit that I really like it. This time of the year we can REALLY use the money! We will actually have money for a good Christmas and Kyles birthday party is in a couple weeks so we need the money for that as well.
I can't believe my first born is already going to be 8 years old in 6 days! Where did the time go?! He's already in second grade, a Wolf Cub Scout, and...EIGHT! He is getting so darn tall too! He is already almost to my armpits. Since his birthday is on a Sunday this year, we are going to take snacks up to his class on Friday. I have to work so Ken is going to have to be the one to do it. :*( That is one of the things I am going to miss by having a job. Doing things like this with the boys. It makes me sad just thinking of having to miss out on it. I know, it is just snacks in his class. But, it is something that I have done for the last two years and like doing. Another thing is I won't be able to volunteer in his class now. But, to be honest, I think he would rather me work and us have money to get him stuff LOL He is already thinking of things he wants me to buy him. He needs $110. With that, he is going to buy bb gun stuff, nurf guns, and beyblade things. *rolls eyes* That boy. Don't know what to do with him and would die without him.
I got paid some on Friday and I was actually able to give my mom some money to go get something to eat and go to the movies. For the longest time, she was the one helping us out when needed and it feels great to be able to help her now. Tomorrow I am going to go get her phone card thingy for her phone at Wal Mart. :o)  I also told her she doesn't have to pay as much to us monthly to pay back what she owes us and that I will start paying off her storage each month. Maybe with me having a job, she will be able to come visit us more often again. She is coming the end of the month for Kyle's birthday party and staying a few days. By the time she gets here, it will be two and a half months since she was able to visit. Much too long!
This weekend is going to be a big weekend for us. Friday is snacks for Kyles class, Saturday there is a stampede thing for the cub scouts and then we are going to go sale popcorn at QFC. Right after we are done with that, I am going to drop Kyle off at his friend Nathans house to spend the night again. He also stayed last weekend and then we all went to his birthday party that was at the bowling alley. Then, Sunday we have to sale popcorn again. I just hope that it doesn't rain! I hope we get lots of sales. Kyle doesn't have all that much so far. I just want him to get up to the 600 point so he gets the prize for that. :o)

OK, so onto the weight loss part! Last week I was down to 246! It has been 4 years since I have been down to that. Before that, it was in 2002! That means I am down 28.4 pounds in just 10 weeks. The time seems to have flown by. In just a little over 4 weeks I will hit my 100 days! I am so excited. I only need to lose 1.6 pounds this coming week to reach my next goal of 30 pounds lost! If I don't make it next week, it is fine because the date I want to be there is November 6th. It would just be awesome to make it sooner. I also decided since I have some extra money now that I am going to do a reward for reaching my mini goals. My reward for reaching 30 pounds is going to be a mani/pedi. :o) It's been a few years since I had one of those. :o) My next goal is 50 pounds so I will have quite a while to decide what I want to get when I reach that point. My goal date for that is January 15th.
The 30th of this month is the ending point of our Biggest Loser challenge. So far, I am ahead by about 4% lost. That can easily be passed by someone else though so I still have to keep everything up and give it my all these next two weeks! I would love to win that money. Not only that, but love to know that I put my all into this the whole time and did my best. If I don't win the money, I will still be happy with my weight loss! I started with an overall goal of 75 pounds. I am ALMOST 30 pounds closer. I want to get to that point (or beyond) by our final weigh in :o) 30.25 would be even better putting me at 11% weight loss! Next thing you know, I will be out of the obese range and just in the overweight range. Right now, I am at 36.3 and to be in over, I have to be 30 or less which is under 203.2 pounds. I don't know if I will ever be in the "Healthy" range as it is under 169.3. I can't even remember the last time I weighed that little! When I graduated HS in 2000, I weighed 195...and I thought that was super fat! LOL I just want to reach the 100's and be in ONEderland! :o) Once I get there, I will see how things are and if I want to continue or just maintain.

Well, it's getting late and I am a working gal now so I can't stay up all night like I was before so I need to end this here :o)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

8 Weeks!

So, my hope for this weeks weigh in was to be down to 249.4 which would make it 25 pounds down in the last 8 weeks. I didn't make it quite there but I was SO close! My weight was 249.6! Only .2 pounds away from a total of 25 pounds. Lately I have been seeing amazing results from the changes I have made in my life. I don't want to call it a diet because it's not a diet. It's not something I am going to be doing for a little while to get where I want and then stop doing it. That would result in me gaining it back just like any other time I have dieted. No, this is a LIFE CHANGE. One I am feeling great about. I have noticed my clothes fitting a lot better or even getting baggy and needing a belt. Well, last night I was brushing my teeth and looked in the mirror...guess what I noticed! My double chin is almost gone!! LOL I was so excited that I ran into my room and pointed it out to Ken. Today I took a picture of myself and compared it to a picture I took of Jacob and I in July. I can see a pretty big difference! I love noticing these differences. It makes me that much more motivated to keep losing the weight and finding more differences.

Last night I was doing my exercising and Jacob came in about half way through and was doing it with me. He is so cute when he is trying to do the exercises. He also helps me in a big way. He distracts me from how hard they are because I am laughing at him and before I know it, I am done!

I can't believe that I am already just about a third of the way to my goal! WOW! I just realized that! In 8 weeks, I have managed to get 1/3 of the weight off that I want off. I only need 51 more pounds until I am at my goal! How exciting is that?! VERY!!

I am tired already but still need to do my exercise. Jacob is watching Thomas the Train right now so as soon as he is done, I am going to do my exercise, cool down, shower, then go to bed! It will still be around an hour and a half before I get to bed through :./ I guess I will live though.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Good Byes of week 7

Another 1.6 pounds gone! That makes it almost 22 pounds in 7 weeks! I can't believe I have lost that much that fast. When I did weight watchers before I got preggo with Jacob, it took me about 7 months to lose 35 pounds. I am way ahead of that schedule thanks to the exercising I have been doing! Today is day 19 of 30ds. I have missed 1 day though so it's going to be my 31ds! :o) This week I am going to start yoga as well with Christina (Kyle's friend Nathan's mom) That is going to be on Thursdays and Fridays. One of my other friends Naomi might start as well.

Speaking of Naomi, the boys and I met her and her kids at the park the other day and then we went to her house to let them all play the next day. The boys were having so much fun they didn't want to leave. Jacob actually told me that he wanted to live with Miss Naomi instead of leaving with me! LOL

I found a yummy looking recipe for stuffed colored baby bell peppers. Looks so good I am going to make them in a little bit. Though, I don't know what to make with them. I guess I can do them as part of dinner and have our meat and those...and something else. Maybe salad or something. :-/ I hate having to figure out whats for dinner all the time! LOL

I started Jacob on preschool stuff this last week. He started learning how to write the letter A. He is actually doing pretty good at it too! This week we will be starting the letter B :o) I am so happy that I have two boys the learn so quickly. I always thought Kyle was so good with his learning and such but Jacob is even more so! I think it helps a lot that he has Kyle to look up to and learn from. I am so proud of my boys. Kyle has been happy about starting his new school. His favorite thing about it is the swings still. LOL Every day when we walk home from the bus stop, I ask him how he day at school was. He always tells me first about his lunch and what he had. 

Jacob had an appt today to get his iron checked. Our appt was at 11. At 11:15, I asked how much longer before the nurse called us back. The lady said they only had one nurse today and she was with someone. "Isn't an appt at 11 with the nurse actually an appt at 11 with the nurse?" I asked. Well...yeah...let me call her again, I have already called her twice....and the side of the convo I heard went ..."Have you even called back your 10:30 appt yet? Well, he is here and so is your 11:00 appt and they are complaining about having to keep waiting so long...." Then a few mins later a lady came out and was walking around behind the counter with the check in ladies...then like 5 mins later she called back her 10:30 appt. Mind you, it's already about the poor guy's been there for just about an hour waiting and no, he hadn't complained only I had lol. Then the other check in lady calls me up there and tells me the nurse is running late "Yes, I know that since it's 20 mins after my appt time already. How much longer is she supposed to be late?" her reply "Umm..well like 25 mins" me: "This is crazy. You guys expect me to wait an hour here with a 3 year old? It's bad enough for me to have to wait here but making a 3 year old wait is even worse. Just have someone else poke his finger and write down the darn numbers...I could even do that!" them: "It has to be the nurse only." me: "Is there a number I could call to complain about the service you guys are giving then?" they gave me the number and I called...left a message because who would expect the lady to actually be in her office answering the phone on a work day?! That was at 11:30a...and I still haven't heard from her here at 2:30p. Good thing was that the guy before me didn't take long so we didn't have to end up waiting the whole 25 mins. Only about 5-10. Then when we got in there, Jacobs hands were cold so when she poked him, it wouldn't bleed enough to get a good drop to test so she tried giving him a heat pack thing for his other hand and then poked that one...same thing not enough blood. So, she had to go ask someone else what to do...When they got there I suggested they use the little straw thing that sucks the blood up then they can drop the drip where they need it "I don't know how to use do you get the blood out?" LOL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! The other nurse said yep go get one of those and I will show you. The second lady is one that I like from there and usually helps us. She poked Jacobs finger for the 3rd time and got all the blood she needed and we were off...close to 30 minutes later making us get out of there a lil after noon. An hour for an appt that should have taken 5 minutes! At least we got it done and don't have to do it for another year. :o)

On a sadder note, my Aunt Linda's husband passed away this past week. I myself didn't know him all that much but I do know that he will be missed by so many people. I know it wasn't something out of the blue and everyone knew it was coming but even with that knowledge, it is hard to lose someone you love. He was the guy to be the most father like to my cousins and they came to love him as a father and their children as their grandpa. It is comforting to know that he is no longer in pain though which he has been in for the past couple years. Rest in Peace Jimmy!